OHMS Viewer: Current Version: 3.10.0


3.10.0  (June, 2024)

  1. Added support for PHP 8.2 environments.
  2. OHMS Viewer supports VTT transcripts, as part of an upcoming upgrade to the OHMS Application and the addition of the OHMS Transcript Editor.
  3. Fixed Vimeo Embed Code bug
  4. Minor UI fixes


  1. OHMS support direct external url to load.
  2. Minor: Fixed line break issue in transcripts.
  3. Minor: Fixed the first line spacing issue in transcripts


  1. Updated for Google Analytics GA4 tag


  1. PHP 8.x support, Remote and minor bug fixes


  1. Fixed issue with :30 intervals and bilingual transcript.


  1. Fixed issue with special characters in transcripts.


  1. Bugfix regarding “right-click” feature in the OHMS default player.


  1. Disabled right-click feature in the OHMS default viewer.


  1. Updated JPlayer to 2.9.2, other minor bug fixes.


  1. Aviary player issue fixed.


  1. Added the Aviary Player to the config.ini file.


  1. Integrated the Aviary Player


  1. Improvements with regard to the Viewer and ADA compliance.
  2. Formatting: In the header of the viewer, empty fields will no longer impact formatting.  Empty fields will be ignored and centering will occur.
  3. Search: Improved search overall, especially with regard to bilingual searching and searching words utilizing diacritics.
  4. Compatibility with Avalon Media System
  5. Indexing view now hides empty fields. For example, if a segment does not contain any subjects, the “Subjects” label will not present to the user.
  6. User Notice: A Custom “User Note” If a User Note is present in the metadata records and exported OHMS XML file, this note will present in the OHMS Viewer as a note that can be closed.  the Note will present on both the index and transcript views.
  7. Changed the “Funding” field that appears in the Viewer Footer to “Acknowledgement.” In order for this to be a more flexible field.
  8. Updates and improvements regarding PHP 7 compatibility and performance.

3.4.2: Add Vimeo support natively; Bug fix regarding symlinks and Viewer installation;  Hide empty fields in the OHMS index, Add the “Acknowledgement” field (formerly known as “funding” in the application) to the footer. This field coincides with the “funding” field for the record in the metadata module and the OHMS xml file; Add SoundCloud as a player option in the config.ini file; Minor changes to text size in the “transcript/index” toggle and the “Switch to [language]” link; Minor fix to separate “subjects” in index segments by semicolon rather than commas.

3.4.1: Minor update, removed the symlinks

3.4: A major update adding responsiveness to the viewer when accessed on a mobile device.  Changed the skin on the jPlayer, as well as adding player controls (forward, rewind, stop) to the jPlayer.

3.3.11: Addressed issue in bilingual viewer where second language search was not working; performance of individual bilingual index segment not opening automatically upon switching languages, improved performance of the linkable footnotes.  Changed font color of “play segment” and “segment link” text.

3.3.8: minor fixes to css for better responsiveness

3.3.7: minor fixes (autoplay disabled for Kaltura and jPlayer); css updates for better responsiveness.

3.3.6: minor fixes (fix scrolling issue on index point when flipping languages, move time point links on transcripts a little bit further to the left and bold them)

3.3.5: Addition of SoundCloud compatibility.  Bug fixes, bilingual enhancements.

3.3.4: Bug fixes

3.3.3: Bug fixes, bilingual enhancements

3.3.2: Introduce bilingual capabilities

3.3.1: updated BB Code / Footnote feature to utilize double brackets rather than single brackets.  [[Footnote]]

3.3.0: Integration of Kaltura, add the custom zoom function for Google Maps and the OHMS GPS coordinates, added capability to integrate linkable footnotes.

3.2.23: Disables “autoplay” for the default audio and video player.

3.2.21: Adds the collection and series links back into the default footer.  Adds formatting (line breaks) to both the synopsis and partial transcript fields in an index, and expands the character limits of both fields as well.

3.2.19: Minor fixes

3.2.18: Minor fixes

3.2.17: Implements capability to work with video in a non-streaming environment.  Directly linking to an .m4v file as opposed to only working with streaming environments such as Brightcove or YouTube.

3.2.16: Minor bugfixes pertaining to the collection and series links (behavior in the absence of links), minor fix (typo), updated the default logo image size to 200 x 200 in order to make the logo harvestable by social media such as Facebook.

3.2.14: Adjusted the viewer to present collection and series links (new features added to the OHMS Application).

3.2.13: The default CSS has been modified to ease customization of single-color themes

3.2.12: Made “timezone” part of the OHMS Viewer config setup.

3.2.11: Fixed an issue with the way jPlayer is configured, addressing an recent issue pertaining to compatibility with a recent Chrome update.

3.2.10: minor bug fixes

3.2.9: minor bug fixes

3.2.8: add a target attribute to the hyperlink display in an index

3.2.7: Contains  minor changes from 3.2.6.  Changes have been made to improve readability of the code, including reformatting, renaming variables, and deleting unused code.  Adds the “Segment Link” function in the indexing module.

3.2.6: This modifies ohms-viewer’s handling of version 3 cachefiles

3.2.5: fixed a minor bug with the “Segment Link” feature and its interaction with the initial segment in an online interview.

3.2.4: Added the “Segment Link” feature to the Viewer’s index.  this allows users to copy to the clipboard a direct link to that particular segment in the OHMS Viewer, as well as to the corresponding time in the audio or video.

3.2.3: Replaced Flowplayer with JPlayer

3.2.2: Includes changes to the OHMS Viewer default layout.  Institutional logos were moved to the top left corner, use and rights statements expand when the user clicks on the links, more efficient spacing of the header and footer in relation to the player.  Added Google Analytics.

OHMS Application Current Version: 3.0.0


v. 3.0.0: 

  1. Added the AFS Ethnographic Thesaurus as a linked thesaurus in the indexing module.  This thesaurus was created by the American Folklore Society.
  2. User Notice: A Custom “User Note” can now be added to a record in the metadata record of the item.  This note will present in the OHMS Viewer as a note that can be closed.  the Note will present on both the index and transcript views.  Viewer version 3.6.0 or higher will be required to utilize this functionality.
  3. Automatic Password Reset
  4. Automatic Account setup
  5. Added the capability for the OHMS Admin to email all repositories and all users in the case of announcements of updates or problems/outages.
  6. Since we have been adding additional media hosts such as the recent addition of Avalon, the “Media Host” selection field is now a dropdown.
  7. Workflow Manager: We have added a new state to the Workflow Manager. Now, when a new record is created, it will not be assigned a state and the default workflow color will be black.  The colors for the the workflow states are as follows:

No State: Black

Pending: Light Blue

In Process: Darker Blue

Ready for QC: Red

Active QC: Purple

Complete: Green

8. Minor fix: Index fields were skewing in certain browsers.

9. OHMS XSD and Xml version updated to v. 5.2

10. Changed the “Funding” field to “Acknowledgement” in order for this to be a more flexible field.

11. Updates and improvements regarding PHP 7 compatibility and performance.

2.2.20: Add vimeo as a supported streaming service.  Enhance delivery of Library of Congress Subject Headings as a linked thesaurus. Significant improvements to handling of uploaded transcripts. Removed unused pages and directories. Moved migration scripts out of public site. Updated CONTRIBUTORS.txt, allow stale records to be purged.  Simplification and augmentation of password requirements, explicitly set encoding for database connection.  Fixed minor bugs with regard to YouTube and Soundcloud and the media url field.

2.2.19: minor fixes to UI, address a minor search bug as well as bugfixes regarding the handling of translation.

2.2.18: Fix issue with uploading transcripts. Add SoundCloud functionality to preview viewer.

2.2.16: Minor fix to player height in preview viewer for Kaltura. Kaltura audio capability added.

2.2.12: HTTP/HTTPS fix for Kaltura

2.2.10: Added SoundCloud as a service.

2.1.51: Fixed minor bug regarding the xml export of the “funding” field.

2.1.50: Fixed issue pertaining to the ability view the OHMS preview viewer without log in credentials.

2.1.48: Minor changes to messaging and the OHMS Admin.

2.1.46: Removed limits on field length for partial transcript and synopsis display, added line break filtering to partial transcript, and reverted the changes to the database schema from 2.1.45.

2.1.45 removed some JavaScript involved with autocompletion, and made changes to the database schema.

2.1.44: Fixed bug pertaining to anomalies pertaining to the export and re-importing of certain fields in an OHMS xml file.

2.1.39: Fixes issues with re-importing OHMS XML files containing unescaped ampersands.  Escapes any ampersands appearing in hyperlink fields.

2.1.37: Fixes issue pertaining to the “permanent delete” of interviews, and the subsequent effect on the error being imposed by falsely exceeding the default repository limitation of 300 interviews.  Involved simple change to database query.

2.1.36: Updated the import capabilities (and the interaction with the .csv import template).

2.1.35:  Fixes minor deployment bug in 2.1.34 and corrected a typo.

2.1.34: Fixes issue regarding OHMS repository interview limits being falsely imposed.

2.1.33: Minor text edits with regard to the Terms of Service.

2.1.32: Additional changes to Repository Management edit page and the Terms of Service page.

2.1.31: Added “Print” button to the terms of service page.  New feature: removed ability for OHMS Admin to delete an active repository without first deactivating the repository.  Added a confirm prompt prior to deleting an inactive repository.

2.1.30: Merge remote branch ‘origins/links.  Fixed typo in field, added fields “Collection Link” and “Series Link” to the metadata module, made the fields exportable in the OHMS XML.  Minor bug fix with OHMS XML export.

2.1.29:  Merged remote branch ‘origin/exportcsv’, added “xmlfilename” as an importable field for both OHMS XML and CSV.  Minor bug fix, merged branch ‘master’ into legal.

2.1.28: Added ability for OHMS Admin to specify that the “delete” interview function will be a permanent delete from the OHMS database and no longer be backed up by UK Library systems.  Made the terms of service text area read only.  Added full name of OHMS user to the OHMS Users page viewable by the OHMS Admin and Repository Admins.  Added ability to reactivate repository, added terms of service, changed default notification email address, minor adjustment to notification email text, fixed coding error on the deletion page.

2.1.27: fix syntax error

2.1.26: migration script

2.1.25: Adding in some display-level changes to show the repository name on the repository manager module

2.1.24: Fixed the batch import of previously exported and zipped up OHMS XML files.

2.1.23: made the time code from the audio player better viewable in the indexing data module while indexing.

2.1.20: Fixed a minor bug with new feature that allows repository administrators to set a default location for an OHMS Viewer, which then combines with the “OHMS XML File Name” field in the interview-level metadata,  to automatically construct the hyperlink to access the online interview.  OHMS now successfully embeds that hyperlink into the OHMS XML as a field, for automated ingest of the access url when using the OHMS XML file to ingest metadata into a CMS.

2.1.19: Addition several minor updates including importable and exportable metadata fields including “OHMS XML Filename,” “Use Restrictions,” as well as “Keywords.” None of the metadata fields impact the core functionality of the OHMS Viewer.  This version adds a CSV export of the entire interview record (including transcript and index information) for ingesting interview metadata into a CMS.  This export contains no OHMS functionality but presents a method for  easily incorporating transcript and index information into the global search of a CMS.  The XML is still required for OHMS Viewer functionality. Removed an unused tag in the XML export that clarified the timecode synchronization system.  Update the OHMS XML to version 4.

2.1.10: fixes to the mkdir() call and expansion of PHP short tags

2.1.9: View new features, changes, bug fixes.