What do I need to use OHMS?

You will need the following to make OHMS work for you: -An OHMS Application account (free) -The OHMS Viewer installed on your own server (we use a very low-end commercial …

Does OHMS work with video?

Yes. OHMS works with YouTube, Kaltura, and Brightcove video streaming systems, as well as with HTML 5 video delivery (direct linking to the video file if the video is in …

Is OHMS a Repository?

OHMS is not a repository. The OHMS Application is where you import your metadata and prepare it for access via the OHMS Viewer.  In order to make your interview public, …

Do I upload my audio or video to OHMS?

No, OHMS is not a repository, it simply brings together the metadata with the audio and video.  You will need to host your audio or video online somewhere and tell …

Are there tutorials available for using OHMS?

Currently there are several documents that contain all of the information you will need to begin indexing in OHMS. The Getting Started Guide, OHMS Indexing Guide, and Transcript Formatting Guide …